Twitter Compares New Rs 20 Note With Aam Panna, Dew & Modi’s Dress. Memes Are Too Funny To Miss

The colour of the Indian currency started changing after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced demonetisation almost two and a half years ago and the old notes of 500 and 1000 denomination were declared void.4

The move was made to unearth the black money which was hoarded by people and it also affected the fake currency rackets in a quite good manner. We won’t be discussing whether the demonetisation was a success or failure but one thing is for sure that it was a big decision which needed a lot of courage.

Since then, new notes of denomination 200 and 2000 have been released and notes of 500, 100, 50 and 10 have been released in new colours. The new notes of smaller denominations are in circulation but the older ones are also legal tender.

Now the government is coming up with a new note of Rs. 20 and it will look something like this:

The currency note will also showcase the Indian culture as Ellora caves are printed on one side of the note.

While people were discussing about the new note of Rs. 20, the social media users started finding its connection with other things and compared it with Aam Panna, Mountain Dew or lemon juice.

Soon memes and jokes started circulating on social media and here are some of the hilarious ones:












How did you find the colour of the new note? Let us know.

The post Twitter Compares New Rs 20 Note With Aam Panna, Dew & Modi’s Dress. Memes Are Too Funny To Miss appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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