The rumors of a rift between the Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli and vice-captain Rohit Sharma has been making round since a long time now. Recently in a press conference, Virat rubbished all such reports and said that if he had any problem with anyone, it would reflect on his face. He also said that the team’s good performance during the ICC world cup 2019 was because the team players had a good bond.
BCCI also denied issuing any statement regarding this controversy as neither of them went to the board with any issue. However, former Indian cricketer Sunil Gavaskar opened up about the rift and said that the rumors will live longer than either of their careers.
He wrote that no matter how much Virat and Rohit shout from the rooftops the story will not end. Every time Rohit fails there will be those who will nod their heads knowingly and a wink, hinting he deliberately got out.
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